Who Wins With BackEngine?

CS Leaders

Identify and resolve the biggest risks and opportunities for each account

person holding silver round container
person holding silver round container
Customer Success Managers

Focus 100% of their time on the success of the customer and not tedious notes and updates while still using the CSP or CRM of their choice

two person shaking hands near white painted wall
two person shaking hands near white painted wall
Executive Leadership

Informed decisions through data-driven understanding of customer needs and preferences

empty conference room
empty conference room

Understand exactly what customers want and need making it easier to expand accounts and close new deals

man in black long sleeve shirt sitting on chair beside woman in black and white stripe
man in black long sleeve shirt sitting on chair beside woman in black and white stripe
The Entire Team

Aligns the entire team with customer needs, driving efforts that directly contribute to satisfaction and growth

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Build and prioritize exactly the right features by knowing what customers want in their own voice

flatlay photography of wireless headphones
flatlay photography of wireless headphones

Customer insights that shape campaigns to resonate deeply and attract more customers

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall