Intercept churn risks and capture upsell opportunities across your entire customer base

What is BackEngine?

We help B2B businesses increase NRR by analyzing every customer call, email, and message to ensure that everyone - from the front-line teams to the C-suite - actively engages with what's needed to retain and expand customers.

It's Near Impossible To Listen To Your Customers At Scale


There is so much being said across so many different channels & teams.


Sifting & categorizing feedback manually in excel, slack or a CRM doesn't capture enough details and stuff falls through the cracks.

Missing Perspective

Front-line teams don't always know what to listen for.

Your automated co-pilot to drive NRR

Surface Risks & Opportunities

BackEngine analyzes all customer interactions using AI to identify risks and opportunities way beyond keyword matching. Unlike trying to manually report on what customers say, we automatically categorize and prioritize everything, ensuring the right teams can act quickly to drive NRR.

Act on data - not guesswork

Hear what your customers are actually saying - not just the anecdotes that happen to get circulated. Our AI turns qualitative feedback into real data, helping you identify and measure trends and assess the impact of potential decisions across product, pricing, service, and more.

Get on the same page

BackEngine unifies everything your customers say, providing role-specific insights for every team. Instead of a siloed environment, we ensure everyone on your team has a shared "single pane of glass" view so your entire organization is focused on maximizing retention and expansion.

The Result

Significantly higher Net Revenue Retention through truly organization-wide customer engagement.

Expand accounts

by applying a commercial lens to all interactions and never missing an upsell or cross-sell opportunity

Remove NRR friction

by identifying and debugging product, service, and pricing issues that are getting in the way of customer value

Prevent churn

by picking up subtle risks

Enterprise Ready


Data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. We generate a unique key for each one of the customers we monitor for you to maximize isolation. At any time, you can revoke our encryption key, rendering all associated data unusable.

magnifying glass near gray laptop computer
magnifying glass near gray laptop computer


Production data is entirely isolated from any other environments. Our employees do not have access to customer data unless you explicitly grant us permissions. We only monitor interactions with the customers that you request.

SOC 2 Type II Compliant

We are SOC 2 Type 2 compliant. Click here to access our Trust Center or contact us for a copy of our report.

Beyond Easy

Set-up (15 minutes)

Send us a list of your customers and who on your team should get access.

person holding white electric plug
person holding white electric plug
Authenticate (5 minutes)

Give BackEngine permissions to Google, Zoom, and other tools.

That's it. Our product will securely work in the background. Nothing else is needed from you.

black USB cables on blue surface
black USB cables on blue surface
persons right hand doing thumbs up
persons right hand doing thumbs up
Implementation in under 30 minutes

Start the transformation!

There's no better time to operationalize your NRR growth.

Frequently asked questions

What is BackEngine?

BackEngine is an AI-powered platform that helps B2B businesses drive Net Revenue Retention (NRR) by analyzing customer communications across various channels. We extract key insights from calls, emails, and messages to ensure everyone in your organization understands and can act on customer needs, helping retain and expand accounts.

Who is BackEngine for?

BackEngine is designed for B2B companies, particularly SaaS businesses, that are focused on improving their Net Revenue Retention (NRR) and want to align their entire organization around customer needs.

What types of data sources can BackEngine analyze?

BackEngine can analyze a wide range of communication channels, including:

  • Email platforms (e.g., Gmail, Outlook)

  • Video conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom, Gong)

  • Team collaboration platforms (e.g., Slack)

  • Customer support ticketing systems (coming soon)

Do I need developers to integrate BackEngine with our existing systems?

No, you don't need developers. BackEngine is designed for easy integration with minimal technical expertise required. Our platform uses simple authentication processes for each data source, which can typically be completed in just a few minutes by any team member with administrative access to your communication tools.

How long does it take to get started with BackEngine?

Getting started with BackEngine is quick and straightforward. The initial setup, including authenticating data sources and providing basic account information, takes about 15 minutes. The entire process from sign-up to getting value happens in 1 day.

How customizable is BackEngine?

BackEngine offers a high degree of customization to align with your specific business needs. You can create custom lenses tailored to your unique requirements, modify existing categories or add new ones, set importance and urgency levels, create custom account groups, and save personalized filters and alerts. This flexibility ensures that BackEngine adapts to your evolving business needs.